The Alproekt's Advices

About the Exterior Shutters - Pros & Cons

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The exterior roller shutters are a popular and attractive addition to the window that will not only greatly improve the appearance of your home but also will increase its value and add privacy. The shutters are available in many different materials and colours, but the overall design is the same. The slats could be made from plastic, aluminium, or faux wood are mounted into a strong frame that is then installed on the window. A popular option is the shutters to be painted white, as this colour reflects heat and helps keep the home cool.

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Protection against Nature elements

Тhe exterior roller shutters provide not only a stylish look to your home, but also provide adequate protection against sun, rain and wind. The exterior roller shutters are great protection against the damaging effects of the sun’s rays and protect furniture, carpet, and art from fading and becoming discoloured. They can shield the glass in your windows from debris in a storm with high wind. The roller shutters will also increase the thermal and noise insulation of your home, which is why they are much more than just a shading tool. The additional insulation of your home provided by the exterior roller shutters will have a direct effect on your spending for heating or cooling your home, and the noise insulation will increase the comfort of your home. 

Image by Barry D from Pixabay
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Additional Security and Privacy for Your Home

Where exterior rolling shutters really stand apart is in the added security they afford, locking when rolled down and blocking direct access to the window, deterring vandals and burglars. Roller shutters help prevent burglars and outsiders from peeking into your home and discovering its contents, as well as preventing prying eyes from peeking through your windows. This added security makes the exterior roller shutters an excellent option for homeowners who travel frequently, owners of holiday properties that are not inhabited on regular bases, or homes with windows facing the streets.


They can last for years, are incredibly stable, and won’t ever warp or change shape.

Protects your home from the Sun, Scorching Weather or Natural Disasters

Amps up your Home’s Security against intruders trying to break into your home through the windows.

Shutters are also excellent insulators and will help you reduce your costs for heating or cooling your home


People with a smaller budget will not be able to afford high-quality shutters, as they are costly to have made and installed.

Manual roller shutters can be cumbersome to operate, especially when you are in a hurry.

They need to be cleaned on a regular basis to ensure that they look their best, and they also need additional maintenance from time to time.

Automatic roller shutters are more convenient to operate but are more expensive.

If you have further questions or require consultation - don't hesitate to contact us!